High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Agrarian

    Help identifing starter

    I got this starter in a parts lot and it has me stumped. It is metal (aluminum?) and has no identifying marks on it that I can see. I looked through 1000+ starters on eBay and couldn't find any that came close. Given the half moon indent on the left, I thought it should be a chainsaw starter...
  2. jacob j.

    WANTED Thick old-style 066 starter

    Hey Guys - I'm looking for one of the thick old-school 066 starters. I'm heading into another old 066 rebuild and have everything but the starter. I have literally tons of parts to trade or cash. Thanks!
  3. jacob j.

    FOUND IT Stihl 084 starter parts

    Hi Guys- I'm looking for Stihl 084 starter parts. New or used - covers, guts, etc. I has cash and lots to trade. Thanks!