High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Icepick69

    Shindaiwa 345 will not stay running

    Shindaiwa 345 will not stay running unless I feed it with fuel thru carb. Clutch side crank seal is leaking, would this be the cause? Rebuilt carb, chaged fuel lines account of bad. Pulse line is good, new plug. Saw does have a slight pop to it when I first pull on recoil...
  2. G

    Shindaiwa 490 air filter problem

    Hi everyone, I don't see a Shindaiwa specific forum, so I hope its ok to post this here. Back in January I bought a 490 Shindaiwa, it looks like the old 488. Since I got it I am tired cleaning the air filter, and to make things worse there is always some bits gets into the elbow which leads...
  3. G

    Has anyone used the Shindaiwa 490

    Has anyone used the Shinwaiwa 490 saw, any information would be appreciated. I did some research before buying and found no negatives, so am just wondering if there is any weak areas that need watching. Still pondering whether to use a 18 or 20 inch bar on it. Thanks & Regards, john
  4. C

    SELLING shindaiwa 488 parts

    two shindaiwa 488 parts power head misc pieces.. etc.. one powerhead complete with side covers top handle and pull cover but frozen motor. other one motor turns but apart. looking to part out or sell as package. 25 plus shipping on pull covers (have 2). 30 on handle plus...