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kill switch

  1. M

    Tape on ground wire?

    I have had an 036 I been using every once in awhile, had to shut it off by choking it. Decided im gonna trade it and another saw for a dirtbike. Wanted to figure out why it doesnt ground out(?)/shutoff. Took the starter cover off and there was tape around the piece that plugs into the coil, and...
  2. M

    Stihl TS 420 kill switch to ignition coil

    I bought a Stihl TS 420 (2014 model) from a guy that said it only needs a new ignition coil. When I opened it to inspect, yep, he was right. In fact, the ignition coil was missing. Ordered a new ignition coil and although it is aftermarket, the supplier tells me that it is the correct one. My...