High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. S

    John deere string trimmers

    Nvm. Figured it out.
  2. R

    Vintage pioneer

    Hi everyone, I've only started working on saws about a year ago. I just finished reassembly of a newer husky 440, with crank seals leaking. Still have to tune it yet. However, I've received a pioneer P21 saw from my father, that he bought new in the 70's. He said it ran the last time he used it...
  3. S

    Strunk SpeeDemon tillotson MD-77A carb

    I have a Strunk SpeeDemon Special that I'd like to get running but the carburettor is missing the air filter. I'm wondering if anyone would know where to get one or offer options on how to replace the missing filter. Are there rebuild kits for these carbs? Thanks Bill
  4. Dman

    WANTED Walbro HD-11 or HD-8

    WTB. Looking for an HD-11 or HD-8 carb for my 044 stihl. Since neither carb is produced what are the alternatives? Thanks, Dave.
  5. C

    It may not be the carb.

    Several times now it has not been the carb. Trimmer, hedges chain saws. Runs fine the first year then trouble starting and eventually stupid working altogether. Each time it ended up being the spring spark plug clip. The darn thing has a bend where the wire in the clip pokes through the...
  6. TreeLife

    WANTED 281xp intake parts

    Hey fellas, looking for a 281 intake block, carb, and air filter. Also looking for a top handle! Many thanks gents :-)