High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Dan23

    Electric chainsaws safer?

    Hey team, Do you think battery-powered chainsaws are safer than gas chainsaws? In this article on electric chainsaws, they say "Why go electric? The reasons are simple: they’re safer..." Do you think this is true? I mostly disagree. I think they could even be considered less safe. Because...
  2. arthur hoffmann

    After new part installation machine will not start

    On my Craftsman with a Briggs & Stratton motor which the part number is 31C707. The customer called and said that the motor would not start and then acted like a dead battery I went and looked at it I had to pull the flywheel off because of the noise I heard when I took the flywheel off half of...