High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Stump Shot

    SOLD Nice Husqvarna 390XP

    For Sale - 390xp Some back history on the saw, it's a 2019 model and was used for about half a summer season in 2020 as a "big saw" for a local tree guy. At which point one of his men straight gassed it. It was brought to me and I replaced the top end with a new OEM P&C and inspected the bottom...
  2. jacob j.

    WANTED 385/390 flywheel side case half

    Hey guys- I'm looking for a good condition 385/390 flywheel side case half. I have cash or lots to trade for it. Thanks!
  3. 460 magnum

    FOUND IT 461 or bigger

    Looking for a 75cc+ saw or saws willing to trade a yz250f 2007. Have pictures of the bike if your interested. Pm me and we can talk more about the deal.
  4. jacob j.

    SELLING Husqvarna 390xp and 562 with xtra P

    Ok guys- I got two freshly rebuilt saws for sale or trade. Both were completely gone through by myself, a proud graduate of Stihl Icademy and the Haitian Institute of Beauty and Technical Massage Therapy. The 390XP: This one resulted from a lot of trading with members here. This one ended up...