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Recent content by wcorey

  1. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    I regard to my concern about jetting... Someone put it to me in a perspective that made it all click, I was looking at it like it was being choked... Duh... If the restrictor was in front of the carb then yes, choked but installed after the carb it's effectively the same as a partially opened...
  2. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    Nah, it's only a 25% gain, to deserve an XS sticker it would need to be 40%...;) Could be a good business opportunity for someone with a small engine shop, 25% gain "porting" for ten minutes of work.
  3. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    My only concern with removing it was how it would then affect the a/f mixture but according to the IPL's both the 1650 and 2100 share the same carb and main jet. Motor sounds good and no sign of running lean. Apparently a lot of mopeds/scooters suffer from this as an easy way for manufacturers...
  4. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    Well sho' 'nuf... That was too easy, would've saved me a bunch of time if I just did this to begin with...
  5. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    If there is, it's not shown in the IPL, all the intake gaskets have matching part #'s on each motor. I'd like to think if it's an intake restrictor plate it would use different jets at least... These motors are current production and have been around for 10+ years, I'd have to figure plenty of...
  6. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    Both use the same coil module and electric start components. Has an alternator for dc power, the two flywheel options could be for the different stators, though there are optional part #'s for four different stators, figuring that depends on output for options like lighting and power chute...
  7. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    Carb is the same part # on the IPL's so this seems unlikely.
  8. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    The older ones are 328cc (or 342?) and the newer is 420cc, mine is for sure 420. I've poured over IPL's and can't seem to find the 'missing link', other than the flywheel. Head, crank, gaskets, piston, valves, cam, carb, jets, muffler, coil, all the same part #'s. Would that much difference in...
  9. wcorey

    HELP! De-restrict B&S 420cc 1650 to 2100 spec? Anyone familiar with this?

    Picked up a deal on a very clean Simplicity 1728 that's powered by the 420cc '1650' Briggs, which I've read is more or less the same as the '2100' as used in the 2128 model but the output is restricted somehow (1650/2100 refers to the 16.5/21.0 torque ratings). I saw reference to this on a...
  10. wcorey

    POULAN The Official Poulan Thread

    Not sure if matching the color is a priority but 330 I think can be yellow, the 3450, 3750 and 3500 are other models that would work but also come in green and occasionally orange.
  11. wcorey

    HELP! Race mower progress thread

    Some friends used to have a big cookout every fall and they happened to have a big sandpit on the property with a good sized flat oval the kids would rip up with the atv's. Well the 'theme' of the day was some very informal run-what-ya-brung 'tractor' racing. Not many rules, had to look somewhat...
  12. wcorey

    Gun range 2022,2023,2024,2025

    Markdown on the P10 is probably because it's a non optic cut model, seems like a trend lately to go all optic ready. You sure it's not just the P07 that's getting replaced by the P09c nocturne? That would make more sense as the P07 and P09c nocturne are pretty much the same gun, other than the...
  13. wcorey

    Welding gas cylinder prices

    I picked up an oxy/acetylene tank set for free at an estate sale a few years ago, oxy tank was a K size and out of date. Talked to 'my guy' at the local welding supply about converting to argon and he was amenable to it, took a while but only cost me around $80 for test, new valve and fill. For...
  14. wcorey

    Gun range 2022,2023,2024,2025

    Certainly doesn't appear to be a x39 magazine. Looks like a good setup for 300aac...
  15. wcorey

    The Husky 42/42 special/242/246 thread

    I've mentioned this somewhere before but didn't really generate any discussion about it... Typical open port transfers are more or less a slot that feeds in a straight line right up from the crank case, so a slab sided piston is all that's required for efficient flow and windows are not only...