High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by Warped5

  1. Warped5

    Stihl prices

    Need to remember that RK mostly sells saws to homeowners/landowners. Tree companies are going to buy from shops that service the equipment. Thinking that your survey results will be different if you chatted with a dealer.
  2. Warped5

    WANTED SP80/81 cold weather parts

    Hey Scott .... ding ding ding ... we have a winner! Actually two of them. Found some other cold weather parts too.
  3. Warped5

    WANTED SP80/81 cold weather parts

    Scott, I don't have that duct. Sorry this took so long.
  4. Warped5

    WANTED SP80/81 cold weather parts

    Scott, let me look and see what I have.
  5. Warped5

    Bar oil

    Bel-Ray has been around for years, but B&C oil for them must a new offering. My $.02 on other stuff earlier in this thread: (1) I'd get my oil at TSC in February when it goes on sale. (2) The label on the container does not always reveal the original maker of the product. Case in point: I...
  6. Warped5

    Another Wats Dat

    When searching Google, you can search on 505269312 OR '505 26 93-12' .. Looks like it's been replaced by 503607001 ...
  7. Warped5

    HELP! Wats Dat

    Good possibility the oil line is from a 2100 (or close sibling). The pickup looks to be close to 501544102.
  8. Warped5

    Another Wats Dat

    Heya Barry - I'm thinking that is a bracket that bolts to the carb (turn it 180 degrees) and also provides an anchor point for a air filter cover. Just my $.02 ... lemme try to dig a bit.
  9. Warped5

    028S oem parts help

    FWIW, this may help .. Find a nearby Stihl dealer that manages their parts inventory with a product called PartSmart. If they do and are reasonably current on their software maintenance level, they can put in the part number and look to see if any other dealer has it in stock. Found many...
  10. Warped5

    McCulloch 10-10

    Wait a sec here ... I just looked at my IPLs ... there is no duckbill on a 10-10A oil cap. If you actually mean the fuel cap, the Homelite duckbill will be fine. I can't speak to the Poulan part.
  11. Warped5

    McCulloch 10-10

    You can also use the ones Oregon (I think) makes for Homelite saws.
  12. Warped5

    SELLING Heads up - John Deere 800V

    There's a real pretty JD 800V for sale on FB Marketplace. Located in Rock Island, IL. These don't appear very often! Here's a link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/442829745926675
  13. Warped5

    WANTED Help, looking for a brake band for a Husky 66 (Yugo - metal handle model)

    Send a message to @Agrarian He may have one. Good luck.
  14. Warped5

    HELP! 064 brake Part # 1122-792-9105

    Yet another option ... If you can contact an OPE dealer that runs a product called Ideal for their parts inventory .... They can put in your part number and then look and see if there are any other dealers that have the part in stock. PS added this feature about 18 months ago and has come...