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Recent content by stihl #1

  1. S

    Question about Crank Stuffers Case Volume and Primary Compression

    You would need a slo mo camera since 10,000 RPM is 166 revs per second. Even at idle speed of 3000 RPM that is 50 revs per second. All you would see is a blur. Maybe these pics can help with visualization:
  2. S

    OEM Markings

    The slant S parts logo will for sure verify it is an authentic part, as well as the 4 digit series number.
  3. S

    OEM Markings

    Most STIHL pistons are machined at the factory in Virginia Beach, some are done in Germany. Back in the day some were bought from Mahle and some other vendors but not anymore. If made in VB within the last 25 yrs or so the top will look like this, as well as possibly have a logo cast...
  4. S

    HELP! STIHL Pressure/Vacuum tester rebuild

    Back when I was at STIHL Inc., STIHL Germany did not make the parts available so that is why I searched and found out WEZAG was selling them, so I doubt Virginia Beach will have them. However, I am going back there next week for the 50th Anniversary celebration so I will ask around and let you...
  5. S

    021 and 011 stihl bars same?

    First four numbers of the bar 11 digit part number designate which of these 3 bar mount patterns the bar has. Also download the catalog I attached to learn much much more about STIHL bars and chain and what bar fits what model.
  6. S

    Wright Reciprocating and Chainsaws

    Mark, once somewhere, maybe at Wayne Suttons place, I was shown a canvas roll up bag with 4 sets of blades for a Wright recip saw. One was coarse, then med, then fine for cutting wood. The 4th set was for cutting up animals. Have you ever come across a set like that? Just curious, Eddie
  7. S

    HELP! HT131 running issue

    Look under the carb and there is a black hose that comes from the crankcase and fits over a brass tube on the bottom of the carb. Note the top carb in this pic which is the carb you have. This tube supplies an impulse signal to drive the fuel pump, and is much larger than what is found on a...
  8. S

    HELP! HT131 new carb adjustment procedure

    One other thing I have seen on extendable pole pruners is binding in the shaft. I keep an old clutch drum in my box and with the engine off I use it to spin the shaft when assembling a unit that was apart for repair, and to make sure the drive shaft does spin easy. I have seen bearings seize...
  9. S

    HELP! MS 660 carb issue

    Trying to think of a situation that would only cause rich running at WOT, and I just can't recall ever being there with a carb fault. Other than a clogged air filter. You mentioned the metering lever. On a WJ it is not flush with the gasket surface but is slightly lower. The walbro gauge on the...
  10. S

    HELP! HT131 new carb adjustment procedure

    My bad, the base setting is 4 to 41/2 on the H. DND was right. I also saw mention of the cam wear issue. Depending on how worn it is it may let it idle but not rev up. If the valve clearance is excessive the compression release will not be working so it will take a lot of effort to pull the...
  11. S

    HELP! STIHL Pressure/Vacuum tester rebuild

    I wrote this procedure and sourced the parts back in 2017 when I worked at STIHL. I don't know if WEZAG still supplies parts or not so just have to call them and see. The 2 check valves get messed up from sucking soapy water or other chemicals up, so I always pull a little WD40 in from time to...
  12. S

    HELP! MS 660 carb issue

    Just saw this thread. If the H screw is not adjusting and you can close it and the saw runs at wide open throttle, then the carb is leaking fuel internally making the saw run rich. Too much fuel. An air leak in the crankcase, or low impulse signal. or restricted fuel delivery will cause lean...
  13. S

    HELP! HT131 new carb adjustment procedure

    To do this right you need a tach. I use this one from STIHL but any inductive tach that clips on the ignition lead will work. HT 131 idle spec is 2800 RPM, top speed with bar and chain installed no load is 10,500, but be aware there is a rev-limiter in the module so it may not go over that even...