High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by rwatt001

  1. R

    Echo cs590

    After a few curse words and a couple coors I finally checked the impulse line. 🤦‍♂️ runs flawless now. The impulse line had came off the crankcase barb fitting. All is well now
  2. R

    Echo cs590

    I'm about at my wits end with this thing. Bought it used and it would start but not run. Ok no biggie rebuild the carb and go from there. Did that, nothing. Same issue. Would fire but die immediately. Bought a traverse creek check valve less carb and put on. Ran great for about 10 minutes then...
  3. R

    Echo cs 590

    Does anyone know if the coil from a cs-620 will work on the cs-590?
  4. R

    Echo cs 590

    Thank you sir
  5. R

    Echo cs 590

    Does anyone have a lead on a service manual for an echo cs 590?