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Recent content by JoeDirt

  1. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    I know Larry. The PC *B-S.... drives me up a *f-wording wall. This particular class has a sizeable group of loudmouth social justice warriors and they are on my last nerve. If "intellectually disabled" got her that upset, NSP would probably give her a brain aneurysm.
  2. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    Today in Gen Chem lab, a girl about my age, so mid 20s, got extremely offended by the term "intellectually disabled". She was not intellectually disabled, just offended on behalf of intellectually disabled people (I think?). Apparently that term wasn't politically correct enough. Not kidding, I...
  3. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    That fruit is hanging just a little too low... as bad as the public education system is, this is why homeschooling is infinitely worse...
  4. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    What in the Grafton West Virginia is going on in here?
  5. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    I've been replacing the timing belt and water pump (and cam, crank and balance shaft seals, and radiator) on the Honda. I think those Japanese Honda engineers were getting revenge for Hiroshima when they came up with this one. You need to have the hands of an infant to get at half of these...
  6. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    Evening diks... worked the parts store all day... ran it solo this morning because the new manager is a lazy kunt...
  7. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    They have a list of reasons you can choose for why you dropped. "Professor has mental disorder" isn't on the list unfortunately. Well I didn't start yelling or tell anyone to GFT so I didn't go full Grafton.
  8. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    It's college, so they love to force this *s-word on everyone whether you agree with it or not. I bite my tongue on a lot of things. But the pronoun word game is where I'm done. If you want to do that *s-word on your own time, not my businesses, but you're not forcing me to participate in your...
  9. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    Today was the start of my 14-week classes. Not sure why, but some of my classes are 14 week and some are 16 week. Got into the one class, which is a required computer programming class, and got introduced to the professor who is a they/them. They/them spent 10 minutes talking about pronouns and...
  10. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    He's fine, says he quit the forum again.
  11. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    I know you're talking about the lawn mower kid and not me...
  12. JoeDirt

    Not So Pro 3

    How many fat chicks do you think I could bring home from the car show in this thing?
  13. JoeDirt

    The "I work with dumb people" thread

    Unfortunately for them, no. Actually Pepboys next door called. They had a guy in their lobby who was not a customer who was either taking way too many drugs or not nearly enough and wouldn't leave. He wandered over here for a bit, seemed pretty harmless, I've encountered much worse here. Police...
  14. JoeDirt

    The "I work with dumb people" thread

    The police showed up to work today and for once they weren't here to take any of our employees into custody!
  15. JoeDirt

    The "I work with dumb people" thread

    My current employer is getting dangerously close to becoming my previous employer, so I might have to remember these. I'm really not one to have to get the last word in or sling mud, but of all of the managers I've ever had in the half dozen or so jobs I've work in both public and private...