High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by huskihl

  1. huskihl

    SELLING XS 394xp

    Thanks Roger, I’m not certain which cylinder it had. I believe they are all Mahle but I could be mistaken
  2. huskihl

    592 carb programming

    Maybe @redlight066 Rich can help you out
  3. huskihl

    SELLING XS 394xp

    Here’s my video when I got done with it. I believe @PA Dan ran it at my GTG and had to stop for a second to regain his balance running 42 inch .404 on it. This isn’t hero wood, by the way. I had the same log at my GTG for about 4 years because it was such a b!tch to cut. It would throw...
  4. huskihl


    I buy everything through eBay just because of twats like him. And I’ll buy from him again knowing full well I may or may not get what I order. And when he tells me I’ll have to pay return shipping I’ll make an eBay claim again just to make him cry when I get a refund. All I want is the part I...
  5. huskihl


    Keep buying from him and sooner or later he’ll send you the wrong part and tell you to gfy as well. That’s just how he rolls. I’ve had maybe a dozen perfect transactions with him. And one where he told me to pound sand. I created a case through eBay and got my $ back and bought the part from...
  6. huskihl

    SOLD Husqvarna 346 new edition

    I think they made the change at the same time. From what I’ve seen, at least. If an NE has a orange clutch cover on it, it was probably replaced
  7. huskihl

    Saw Sniffers Annonymous

    Ford 6.9 was the worst. Cat was always pretty good lol. Even Duramax
  8. huskihl

    MS201TC And Other M-Tronic Problems?

    I had a similar experience on a 201. Idled high, wouldn’t idle on choke to do the reset. Replaced the white solenoid with a new one and no change. Bought a new carburetor, didn’t fix it. Put a new coil in it and it was good as new.
  9. huskihl

    Preparing to port first saw - which one, and what method?

    I think everybody that has ever ported a saw has done it once or twice. I have cut the line I wanted and then smoothed it out with a round ball in a straight hand piece. Just be careful of the plating next to the port
  10. huskihl

    Preparing to port first saw - which one, and what method?

    It needs the transfers raised 4° in order to get those RPMs back.
  11. huskihl

    HELP! LA (Idle Speed) Screw Problems

    If the butterflies or screws have been dicked with, sometimes they don’t close completely. Or if they put the butterflies in backwards. Loosen the idle screw and shaft screw and snap it shut several times to see if they’ll close further
  12. huskihl

    Saw Sniffers Annonymous

    Been around dump trucks, redi mix trucks, and semis so much that I could tell which brand of motor was in the truck I was following just by the exhaust flavor.
  13. huskihl


    He’s fine when everything goes right but he’s an *a-hole as soon as there’s a problem
  14. huskihl

    Saw Sniffers Annonymous

    You were in 10th grade?
  15. huskihl

    Decomp - Use It or Lose It?

    It can even be tested. Once the saw is good and warmed up after making several cuts, push the decomp in and listen for the tune to change. If there was any way it could be detrimental, your RPMs would need to go up or at least it would need to four stroke less. I’ve done it several times to show...