High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by C4rest

  1. C

    Is this an OEM 066 cylinder

    I will look at the base when I get back home. I didn't think there even were aftermarket no decomp cylinders?
  2. C

    Is this an OEM 066 cylinder

    I was wondering if anyone knew if this could be aftermarket. I do not see markings in the normal area but I’ve also never seen any flat top no decomp aftermarket cylinders. Thanks for your time!
  3. C

    066 coil question

    If anyone has one of the original coils I would love to buy it from them. I’ve always wanted to see the light light up 😂
  4. C

    066 coil question

    Thanks for your help. My flywheel does not have those letter markings, it just says “warning.” I will look into that forum again thanks!
  5. C

    066 coil question

    Hello all, I recently got an 066 red light that the seller said was all original and that it ran. He showed me it ran but the light didn’t light up. I still traded for it but when I got home I found it did not have the original coil on it. It also has a flywheel with two key ways marked 1122 400...