High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by Brian72

  1. B

    Anybody been through AA?

    Stay strong and don't give up! Definitely have conversations with friends and family. Let them know what you're doing and ask them to not bring alcohol around you. You need support, not temptation. Some people just aren't good with alcohol and just need to face it. I'm not trying to be insulting...
  2. B

    Anybody been through AA?

    My son is currently a recovering alcoholic. He just celebrated 1 year sober and I couldn't be more proud. AA was definitely a blessing for him. He got multiple DWIs and really put himself in a bad place. Thank God he realized he needed help before he hurt anyone. A year later, he's a totally...
  3. B

    It’s slow around here, question for tree monkey

    Excellent movie! Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  4. B

    PAST Loggers expo in April

    Logging expo at the Bloomsburg PA fairgrounds coming up in April. I went in 2017 and it was a good show. Everything from heavy equipment and firewood processors to saws, splitters, safety equipment and sawmills. Thought I'd share if anybody is interested. Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  5. B

    Hazleton, Pennsylvania

    Cool. I'd love to have a mill but just too much going on. I enjoy helping my buddy. He's got an early 1900s Frick mill. He's become a good friend and it works well for both of us. I help when I can and he helps me with lumber or sawing if I need it. It's neat to work the old equipment. Sent...
  6. B

    Hazleton, Pennsylvania

    Small world!! I have a chainsaw mill but I also help my buddy at his circle mill out behind Buckhorn. What business did you own? Good luck with the Timber King! Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  7. B

    Hazleton, Pennsylvania

    I'm about 20 mins. from Hazelton. I live in Berwick. If you like motorcycles and antiques, there's a really cool museum just outside of Berwick. It's called Bill's Old Bike Barn. I highly recommend it!! Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  8. B

    Looking to get into milling

    I'm sure a 288 will be fine to get you started but it'll be more expensive to upgrade later. I got my 661 with 36" bar for around $1,100 new. I know the 395 is right about the same price. There's no need for special milling bars or chains. I use regular Stihl RS chain and it works fine. I'm not...
  9. B

    Looking to get into milling

    I agree with Dave. Get the biggest saw possible. I use an auxiliary oiler on anything over a 28" bar. If you make your cut rails longer than the log, all the weight is supported by the rails so weight isn't really an issue. Also, take some measurements before you order your mill. You may want to...
  10. B

    The new 70cc ECHO saw

    I'm anxious to get a look at this saw. Should be a good year with this, the 572 and 462 coming out. Something for everybody! Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  11. B

    SOLD The Bubba MS440___To Be Raffled Off

    I was raised in the same situation Randy. My Dad and I were worlds apart so my Grandfather was my idol and inspiration. I wouldn't be who I am without him. Nothing makes me prouder than when my Aunts tell me I'm just like Pop! You'll never know how important you are to that young man. Good luck...
  12. B

    Talk to me about PA

    Every little bit helps! The area you're looking at is real nice. I live right close to the 80-81 junction. Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  13. B

    Talk to me about PA

    It's a nice area. I've lived here all my life. Sadly, over the past few years, our politics are getting worse and taxes are out of control. We still have our rights but the liberal stupidity is creeping in fast. I sure hope things change for the better. Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  14. B

    SELLING Pioneer NOS parts

    Any new carbs or kits for a 620? I'd also be interested in an air filter too if you have one. Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
  15. B

    Milling chain

    Get both. No need to run a longer bar than necessary but I love my 50" Cannon. Very sturdy bar once you get over the sticker shock. I run 28, 36 and 50" on my 48" Granberg. I just swap bars and adjust the mill accordingly to what I need. Chains at these lengths get expensive so no need to run...