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  • What's the avatar wyksta?
    Yeah, it looked apocalyptic. Another amazing one is the one at Sioux City Airport. Pilot was a genius.....I can;t remember the exact details, but basically he put the bird done, and managed to save a lot of the passengers by very good flying.
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    Yeah that was a DC-10(They had a bad run back when and are now cargo planes). If I recall, Souix City was a loss of hydraulics due to an engine explosion. They had to land the plane without any control surfaces. That's a bit of an ask, isn't it? I watch a lot of ACI on telly - "Air Crash Investigation". I find the chain of events and engineering and design as well as the investigating rather interesting.
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    Yeah, the Sioux one was hydraulic loss. I probably saw it on ACI too!
    Was there something once, about the Airbus design being compromised that made it less safe, but able to seat 1 row more passengers? But they calculated it would still be more profitable, even with the odd insurance payout!!
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