High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws
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  • So I have a sthil ms 250 what size bar do yall recommend I have a 16 inch on it but will it run with a 20 inch bar or will I bog it down
    GC, I'll ask the saleslady tomorrow at Nickel City Motors if she ordered the over night shipped saw out of Edmonton.
    She earlier said she had no 261's in stock but had a large pallet come in and she doesn't know what's on it.......I got charged $15 shipping......
    Hello GC. I believe you're a Winnipeg dealer. Last Winnipeg reps I knew were Gord Melanoski and Dave Buffy
    Tomorrow I'll ask the saleslady at Nickel City Motors if she had the 261sent by plane for the over night trip out of Edmonton and see what she says.
    This morning when she said over night shipping I said Winnipeg probably by bus. She didn't answer . I asked if she could call the distributer but she d
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