Thanks for allowing me on this forum! Looking forward to read and learn from all the members especially about chainsaws. And i have a question straight away: i bought a Stihl 020 av Super tophandle. And it’s fun restoring it. But a manual would be helpful. Can someone help me with this?
Hey Ra glad to be on the forum! Can you guys help me in attaining a Service/Shop manual for my Stihl 020 av super with top handle.
Just acquired the saw from a family member and would like to get it back in operation..
Hi Ray. You seem to be the man to contact for service Manila. I have a Stihl HS82 hedge cutter and I’m looking for a service manual for it. Wondered if you might be able to help me out. Thanks Rory
Hi Ray, I have a problem sourcing a manual for my Briggs and Straton (135212 0252-01) powered generator and noticed that you have been the saviour to this problem previously. It is identical to bmb01 0f 24 May 2022 with B and S No.s as above. Would you be a gent and solve my searching. Regards Eddie
Hey Ray, after hours of searching online, I finally found this forum. I've seen that you are the man when it comes to manuals. I'm looking for the service manual for a Dolmar PS-9010.
Good evening Mr Benson I hope by the looks of things ur the that guy I've been trying to find. Been looking for the service manuals n ipls for stihls 201tc-m, the 020 and 021. Hope to hear those three beautiful words that everyone is so happy to hear hear from u !!
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