A quick eBay search shows a wg-5, 7, 8, 9 and I believe a 10.
Wg-5 appears to be off a Echo saw. It has the higher side screw but different throttle/choke levers.
Wg-7 looks like a Husqvarna 3120/ Partner cutoff saw carb. No High side screw but does have the pilot hole.
Wg8 and 9 look to be the same. However some have the blue piece between metering diagram cover, which vents to atmosphere on the face not with the cover. Neither have the Hs screw but do have the pilot hole in body.
There is a Wg model for the Ms880(wg12) that has the Stihl throttle lever not the cable set up like Husqvarna.
Wg2’s are no longer made, they do not have a choke but have two fuel inlets and used a primmer bulb.
Wg3, I’ve never seen but I believe came with high side screw and choke.
Wg4- I’ve never heard of one. Same with the Wg6.
A Wg 8 looks to be popular with the Rc planes.