Well-Known OPE Member

Got a 195t that I'm going to open up the exit baffle, probably advance time, and do a retune. The saw has been run and likely has some oil on the inside. I was going to either use a carbide bur with a shop vac near by or a stone bit to enlarge it.
The last time I did a mod was to my cs590 and just used a step bit to make a side hole. Got most of the stuff out and so far had been fine.
I was thinking of either using some kerosene in the 195 to try and wash it out or a combination high pressure air and vacuum.
The last time I did a mod was to my cs590 and just used a step bit to make a side hole. Got most of the stuff out and so far had been fine.
I was thinking of either using some kerosene in the 195 to try and wash it out or a combination high pressure air and vacuum.