High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. Kensie1988

    FOUND IT Stihl 044 builder 12mm

    Im thinking about building another 12mm 044 with a Slant fin KS cylinder and would like to see what all is out there as far as builders or bottom ends. I dont need a piston or cylinder, just a good solid bottom end.
  2. Kensie1988

    SOLD 044 Slant fin cylinder

    Slant fin 044 cylinder, don’t know whether it’s a 10mm or 12mm, it was in a parts lot my buddy Ken has. He can get pictures of the bore tomorrow in better light, this is just the cropped pic of a group of pictures he sent me of stuff he wants to sell. He says he would like to get $100 for it.