High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

chain brake

  1. L

    Ugh, wrong forum? Chainsaw Brake Drag

    Sorry, I posted in the Ask the Experts forum instead of here about an issue I have with a chainsaw brake dragging. If admins can't reassign the forum of the thread, then could you please click this link to check out my questions? http://opeforum.com/threads/chainsaw-brake-drag-rub.7783/ Thanks.
  2. L

    Chainsaw Brake Drag/Rub

    I have a used Craftsman 358351702 chainsaw. I opened up the clutch assembly and can see what looks like dark discoloration on the drum and clutch, plus some melted plastic on the chassis ("~12-1 o'clock" as viewed from the saw's right side) and on the chainsaw brake. I removed the excess...
  3. Matt D

    WANTED Husqvarna 51/55 Clutch Cover and Brake Assembly

    Hey Guys, I fixed up a saw I bought on the cheap with a new top end and now all I need to complete the saw is a clutch cover and chain brake assembly, the one on this saw is melted pretty good like someone ran the saw with the brake on for awhile. If anyone has one they'd be willing to part with...