High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

10mm 044

  1. Brown8417

    SOLD XS 044 10mil

    Selling a Freshly built and freshly ported XS 044. New bearings, seals, air filter, filter housing, and hoses all OEM. New gas and oil cap seals. New brake band cover. New pull cord and handle. Kevin put the a nice 10mil slant fin cylinder on it and ported it. Has a new Meteor piston and new OEM...
  2. Wonkydonkey

    What’s saw is in the package? An ooerr44 arctic

    So i brought a saw and thought I’d do an unboxing, but it arrived as a package. This thread will move on over time, and time will tell how and where it goes. I will say no more just yet Edited with new uploads of vids as the channel got terminated :mad: