High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws


  1. ManiacalMark

    SELLING NOS 084 Top Cover

    Slight Knick in corner shown in the picture, otherwise brand new mint condition. $265 shipped
  2. Lightning Performance

    WANTED Chainsaw cylinders 084, 088, 880, 395, 3120

    084 good or bad 088 880 395 3120 With or without worn out plating Thanks Ken
  3. Big hank

    WANTED 50" - 60" Large Mount Stihl bar

    Looking for a bar for my 084. Figured I'd ask here before I bit the bullet and bought new. Willing to pay the right price for a nice used bar Thanks, Hank
  4. jacob j.

    FOUND IT Stihl 084 starter parts

    Hi Guys- I'm looking for Stihl 084 starter parts. New or used - covers, guts, etc. I has cash and lots to trade. Thanks!
  5. Billy Currie

    084 Piston to Cylinder Wall Clearance

    Guys, I am trying to find the recommended piston-to-cylinder wall clearance for an 084. Sorry, I have not measured what I have.