High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by tp2177

  1. T

    So what did you do today?

    375xp? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. T

    Husqvarna 560BTS blower only runs on 90% choke!

    Had this happen to my old hand held stihl blower. The spark arrestor was completely caked up. Cut the spark arrestor off and it’s been working great ever since. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. T

    So what did you do today?

    Got a lot accomplished since last night. Got the yard mowed (mostly) and the weeds tilled out of the garden last night. Then this morning smoked two racks of ribs a whole chicken, corn on the cob and some hot dogs. While those were cooking. Cleaned some, changed my wife’s brakes, changed the...
  4. T

    Whats on the Grill or Smoker?

    More chickens, and a new addition for us was the small precooked boneless hams. Tried one last weekend and had to do it again this weekend. Two of these And then one of these The ham omelets the next morning are one of my favorite things about the smoked ham so far Sent from my iPhone...
  5. T

    Whats on the Grill or Smoker?

    They are where you roast marshmallows over the fire, then place them once they are hot enough they are about to fall off your stick onto chocolate with graham crackers as the “sandwich”. Best to roast them slowly as the fire is mostly coals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. T

    Whats on the Grill or Smoker?

    Never had s’mores? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. T

    Whats on the Grill or Smoker?

    Those look amazing! We built a fire and cooked hotdogs and s’mores tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. T

    So what did you do today?

    After getting off work, I tilled in the garden some more. Think I have it almost all level. Going to rain tonight, but I need to till in some fertilizer anyway. Also have some freezing temps still to go next week. Hope to plant on the last Saturday of the month hopefully. Sent from my iPhone...
  9. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    Mine is like alleyoopers but I guess it is the super because it has an 8 hp engine. I’ve never had mine running so I can’t be sure but I think the tensioner arm is a safety feature. This one doesn’t self feed from my research and came with a plastic “pusher” from the factory. my only guess is to...
  10. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    Let’s hope so [emoji1303] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    Oh and even if someone doesn’t know the exact answer, which I feel like fish would’ve been very resourceful for you, they maybe throw out some guesses to give you a “free bump” to keep your thread up towards the top so real “experienced” people will have a chance to see it easily. You get a...
  12. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    Good luck getting help from any one with experience in the future on here. People do this out of the kindness of their hearts and thinking you know more than everyone else doesn’t fly around here. Glad you got it figured out and with your entitled attitude I hope you “know it all” in the future...
  13. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    So we can be rude over the internet, but then when someone calls us out we get our panties in a wad? Pretty entertaining so far. Saying thanks for your input after being very rude and condescending is like Ricky Bobby saying no offense and saying something very offensive. No one owes you...
  14. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    I wish you luck [emoji1303] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. T

    Troy bilt tomahawk super chipper shredder

    Sounds like you had a guy with experience and you ran him off. I have a really old one in my shed that I haven’t gotten around to fixing. But with them being made over 30+ years there are tons of different models that can all work differently. No gonna find much help over just the chippers name...