High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by SteveinUT

  1. SteveinUT

    SELLING TsuMura,Archer,& Tecomec

    Any luck getting a 28" Tsumura Stihl mount in a 91dl .050?
  2. SteveinUT

    Trees you've cut

    Nice! Your truck looks identical to my 2021. PS: As far as trees cut? I live in Utah. We have almost no options other than spruces, pines and aspens. The occasional juniper and cottonwood.
  3. SteveinUT

    Gun range 2022,2023,2024,2025

    This is one of my latest builds.
  4. SteveinUT

    PAST Escape Winter GTG Jan 21-22, 2023

    Man, I've been so busy surfing gun and motorcycle pages the last couple years I never even noticed a GTG being put together out west. I'm in southern Utah and could possibly try to get down there, but I need to check against the dates for the SHOT Show because it is in mid-Jan every year. Might...
  5. SteveinUT

    High altitude saws.

    I can tell you my non-autotune saws have the H jet turned all the way in and are still too rich where I cut (8,000-10,500 above sea level). I even hit up Randy asking about max RPMs on my MMWS 346 before I took it up on the mountain for firewood this year and he predicted I wouldn't have enough...
  6. SteveinUT

    Semi chisel chain

    I mostly use the Bailey's house brand (Woodland Pro) chisel and semi-chisel. I don't think it stays sharp quite as long as my Stihl chains, but it is also half the cost. If I remember right, it is just rebranded Carlton. I am just a firewood cutter, though. I can afford to take the time to touch...
  7. SteveinUT

    So what did you do today?

    Ran my buddy's brand new, bone stock 550XP MkII. God those things are hot little saws! I might have to acquire one at some point. I have a Mastermind ported 353/346 that I'm certain is faster in the cut, but that 550 felt damn strong! And it is only on its first tank of gas.
  8. SteveinUT

    Anderson/Blackthorne M16A3 copy

    Thanks! I used a Ballistic Advantage stripped lower, Larue trigger, Aero stripped upper, Microbest NiB coated carrier, FN chrome lined 20" A2 barrel, et cetera. Aimpoint Comp M2 in a GDI qd mount. EDIT: Nevermind. This one has a TNTE chrome lined 1/7" A2 barrel.
  9. SteveinUT

    SOLD MMWS MS362C 1150.00 Shipped

    Knew that one would go quick!
  10. SteveinUT

    Anderson/Blackthorne M16A3 copy

    One I built this past spring.
  11. SteveinUT

    SOLD MMWS MS362C 1150.00 Shipped

    It is, but I'll hold onto my 562 for now. It might get sent to Tennessee at some point, though. While it is still nice and relatively clean. No doubt that 362 will go quick, though!
  12. SteveinUT

    SOLD MMWS MS362C 1150.00 Shipped

    Tell that to my wife.... just got a 562 from Bruce a couple weeks ago, so I am being watched... If I had known that 362 was coming up I would have saved a bit longer and just bought it. As good as my 346 is that you worked your magic on, I can imagine that 362 will be a beast.
  13. SteveinUT

    SOLD MMWS MS362C 1150.00 Shipped

    Damn, if I had seen that a couple weeks ago...
  14. SteveinUT

    Husqvarna 562 xp autotune

    Interesting. I have a new 562 and it has been great, other than it has died while idling a couple times on me. Usually after making enough cuts to get the saw warmed up good. I'm chocking it up to break-in and possibly because it hasn't figured out a good tune for 9,000' above sea level yet...
  15. SteveinUT

    Armistice Sunday Veterans Day

    Thanks for the post. I've worked with Brits in Iraq and Afghanistan and think very highly of your troops. I'd trust a Brit to cover my ass any day. That church is pretty cool, by the way! US Air Force Security Forces 1992-2012 Iraq 05-06 Afghanistan 09-10