High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by skinnee440

  1. skinnee440

    Dolmar 133

    Sorry, don't see how. I understand heat soaking a coil. Shouldn't run at all then when I re start warm. Gives a slight bog like a carb or vapor issue. Once running again for a while, no more bog. Leads me right away from ignition.
  2. skinnee440

    Dolmar 133

    Just a couple of videos of my new to me 133 I acquired for $100! I had to ask the guy a few times, that is all you want? 45 minute ride 1 way and I got a great 1979 Dolmar 133 from the original owner! Owner had thought it needed a Stator plate, I ran, needs a carb rebuild and tank vent checked...
  3. skinnee440

    Jonsered 621, 2055, CS2150 service manuals

    Looking for a repair manual for a 621, if anyone has one. Also interested in one for a CS2150 and a 2055 also. Thanks in advance!
  4. skinnee440

    Why does everyone hate on ethanol?

    It is simply awesome at cleaning out tanks and putting all the goo into filters and turning old fuel lines into dead earthworms! I got a nice 5 gallon bucket that has 3 layers of "go fast goodness" out of a customers sled. When you burn thru one layer, stop and re-jet for the next layer! Can't...
  5. skinnee440


    OK, so it's gonna be a 66, either way, it's gonna be a 60's cc class saw, which is what I am looking to build. I'm not a "guru" on Husky's by no means. I build whatever is put in front of me, long as I got a book for reference. I like calling it a "666"! Lol
  6. skinnee440


    Here's my next projects I acquired not too long ago. 61, 66 and a 562XP. 61 and 66 will become 1! Basically a 66/266 when done. 562 will be rebuilt, I haven't dug in too far yet. the Yugo 66 and 61 exploded last night on the bench!! Lol! Yes I am sharing the bench with a Honda 200s that has a...
  7. skinnee440


    Here's my first post on this site, figured I might as well throw up my Husky's. This was my first Husky project that started as a 371K that my cousin wore out and gave me. It sports a 52mm bore now. 24" bar, been upgraded to a 28" GB now. Does what I need it to.