High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Recent content by Shotgun

  1. Shotgun

    Don't jump ship just yet...

    Who said anything about leaving here, this is the best place on the internet to learn about spark plugs and bar temps.
  2. Shotgun

    Don't jump ship just yet...

    Wow sweet, Thanks for the heads up on the other site- it is Awesome.
  3. Shotgun

    Resolved Dislike Button

    Why stop at "dislike", we need a "ok now I'm offended" button, Then a link to the cry room could "pop up"
  4. Shotgun

    not so pros

    I think he has a popup for you
  5. Shotgun

    not so pros

    This is my 2nd post, I now have a 100% better chance of winning
  6. Shotgun

    not so pros

    Is this where the cool kids hang out?