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Recent content by Rugger007

  1. R

    Sad day here fellas

    Sad sad news, I am very sorry for your loss.
  2. R

    Knife Sharpening

    Straight razors are wonderful! I can definitely say that they are easier to sharpen than a knife. At razors spine is a literal guide whereas a knife, freehand is a very “learned” technique. The biggest issue people have when honing a straight is too much pressure and not properly forming the...
  3. R

    Knife Sharpening

    I am certainly guilty of this, but to me it’s about the process. I have skinned and dressed many animals, beaver including beaver. Many of my good friends are indigenous and have taught me so much. That said, I have never had a knife dull on me cleaning a beaver. If you have to sharpen three...
  4. R

    Knife Sharpening

    https://jendeindustries.com/sharpening.html?cat=14 https://www.chefknivestogo.com/strops.html For my Axes, I prefer to use a firehose strop. The old fire hoses used to be made of flax linen and were unlined. They are probably the most effective strop I have ever used.
  5. R

    Knife Sharpening

    I think bamboo is a great renewable resource. It will make a great cutting board, just try to find one that is end grain.
  6. R

    Knife Sharpening

    Personally I would use Black Walnut. Here’s an end grain walnut board at 2” thick
  7. R

    Knife Sharpening

    Nylon cutting boards are destroy knife edges. They also harbour bacteria that gets into the cuts and can’t be washed or cleaned properly. Wood cutting boards are better, but most use straight grain and will still prematurely dull an edge. End Grain wood cutting boards are the best of the best...
  8. R

    Knife Sharpening

    Those electric table top thingies are terrible, IMO! They create an edge that is not profiled correctly, tear rather than abrade the steel away, generate excessive heat and the angles are fixed. They create a “sharp” edge because the edge is so rough and torn, not because it’s truly sharp...
  9. R

    Knife Sharpening

    This unit is solid. This is the unit I would absolutely recommend (elite edition) https://www.worksharptools.com/shop/benchtop/ken-onion-edition-knife-tool-sharpener/ The motor is great and can withstand light commercial use. Completely adjustable speed and the belts are wider and I find they...
  10. R

    Knife Sharpening

    I used to use the king stones, but they do need to be soaked and they wear very quickly and need constant trueing. Ceramic stones are splash and go and only need a spray bottle of water. They are also much harder, wear less and the abrasive is so consistent it leaves a very clean scratch...
  11. R

    Knife Sharpening

    The work sharp is very versatile. Once you add the blade grinding attachment it’s hard to beat. Very fast, easily repeatable and useable on almost anything with an edge.
  12. R

    Knife Sharpening

    If you’re looking for whetstones, the Shapton Glass Stones are amazing. The Shapton Korumaku line are very nice as well, less expensive but every bit as good. If you’re looking for a natural stone, it’s hard to beat a Belgian Coticule, or go the opposite direction and get a Japanese natural...
  13. R

    When did the cost of Echo skyrocket?

    I have Pine, Poplar, Sugar Maple, Birch a few Cedars and Oak on my property. I’d say 90% hardwood on my 20 acre property. It’s never been touched other than clearing for the house.
  14. R

    When did the cost of Echo skyrocket?

    I’m in the TBay area. I have one dealer that carries both Husky and Stihl, another that is phasing Husky out and one that only deals Echo. Everything up here is like the Truck market. Due to location, it’s a “pay what I ask” or go somewhere else. A friend saved $10k by getting his truck in the...
  15. R

    When did the cost of Echo skyrocket?

    I have thought of getting a ported 372 or 572. My reasoning with another stihl is I already have a 16, 20 and 24 B&C for the 362 so being interchangeable with another power head is a big bonus. I originally wanted a Husky 562 MKii but they are still not available, at least not where I am and...