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Recent content by Nord

  1. Nord

    Accurate Firewood BTU Values | 100+ woods rated

    Some updates: Added Eucalyptus (Blue Gum) Added Almond Added Aspen (Quaking, Big Tooth) Fixed Downy Birch naming Added Silver Birch Reduced column title length and added information on hover (weight, cord weight) Tree count is now 114 Thanks @guym3
  2. Nord

    Accurate Firewood BTU Values | 100+ woods rated

    - You can now select up to four tree species for a side by side comparison. - Siberian Elm has been added.
  3. Nord

    Accurate Firewood BTU Values | 100+ woods rated

    I believe Siberian is a bit less dense than other elm, I'll add it. I agree 100%, one of my main goals was to be able to come up with reasonable BTU estimates based on the wood properties and known data that would allow good estimates across 100s of hardwoods and softwoods. We are burning it...
  4. Nord

    Accurate Firewood BTU Values | 100+ woods rated

    Many softwoods burn fast and hot, it is a good way to get the heat rolling quickly, hardwoods tend to take some time to buildup the heat. It does, density and specific gravity both, after that moisture content determines BTU. The tables have been down for work since Saturday as there was some...
  5. Nord

    Accurate Firewood BTU Values | 100+ woods rated

    99% of BTU ratings you see online of incorrect for firewood. I decided to see if I could come up with BTU values correct for firewood, it turned into more, a lot more. Enough of a journey that I wrote a blog post on how I came up with the data in my firewood ratings tables. You can read the...
  6. Nord

    Dry vs Seasoned Firewood, what's the difference?

    I heard back from agri.ohio.gov, moisture content is not mentioned in their rules and regulations, I quote: I have attached the doc incase anybody wants to sift through it :P
  7. Nord

    Dry vs Seasoned Firewood, what's the difference?

    I did some digging and I cannot find it on the official site (https://agri.ohio.gov/). I find a bunch on news articles and blog posts that say it though, like: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/2009/11/28/state-is-enforcing-firewood-rules/23852504007/...
  8. Nord

    Dry vs Seasoned Firewood, what's the difference?

    Ohio rules say it has to be under 50% humidity to be seasoned :eyepop:
  9. Nord

    Dry vs Seasoned Firewood, what's the difference?

    An age old debate and terms often used interchangably, there are a few important differences that may be of interest. In the blog post below I focus a bit on the science behind how and why naturally dried wood (seasoned) does not absorb moisture as readily as dry firewood (kiln) and touch on...
  10. Nord

    Tree volume firewood calculator

    I had quite a few requests for a calculator which could calculate wood or firewood volume from a tree. So I have built one similar to the original, outputs all the same information for the most part. But in your measurements you you can enter base and tip circumference, and height or length. If...
  11. Nord

    I built a firewood calculator cordage, cu/ft, weight, BTU, and more

    Changed, also added option for that field to be cm or m.
  12. Nord

    I built a firewood calculator cordage, cu/ft, weight, BTU, and more

    @Motorka A new version in testing, many changes, but the main one you are probably interested in is the option to change to metric. Other things added: Option to set stove efficiency, better mobile menu few small layout fixes. Give er a shot and let me know what you think...
  13. Nord

    I built a firewood calculator cordage, cu/ft, weight, BTU, and more

    I have started working on a wood volume calculator which can do this. It will be able to calculate volume of a single tree or many. I am making it seperate from the firewood calculator because I don't want the firewood calculator becoming too busy, it also requires a pretty good chunk of code...
  14. Nord

    I built a firewood calculator cordage, cu/ft, weight, BTU, and more

    The calculator has been used 500 times in the last 24 hours, great to see! Few more things incoming: - Option to use it in "stack" mode or pile mode for loose piles. - Switch between metric and imperial - Some more wood types to add - In stack mode options to set number of rows and gap size. -...
  15. Nord

    I built a firewood calculator cordage, cu/ft, weight, BTU, and more

    Sooo I got the multiple wood types completed today, mixed load calculations now possible! You can select up to 4 "WoodTypes" and set a % for each (must equal 100%). Weight and BTU totals will be affected by this change. I have not forgot about adding metric, it is coming :)