High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by Nitris223

  1. N

    China 365 clone

    Do you have a picture of the just from the side. Did you drop the cylinder walls into half moon shape or is the angle of the picture just distorted
  2. N

    372xp with a 268 50mm pop up piston.

    I have the same post on another site but I always find that site to be a little hostile at times and not open to other ideas.
  3. N

    372xp with a 268 50mm pop up piston.

    Which piston would you guys use for a 372 xp. I'm doing a little experimenting with a AM cylinder before I use the new OEM cylinder I have. These pistons came with the saw that was a xtorq now being converted to a 372xp OE. The windowed piston on the left looks nicely made and the rings have a...
  4. N

    husqvarna 55 clutch parts questions

    The husky 55 has been sold with .325 and 3/8 pitch bar and chain. If its got a rim sprocket then just get a new rim sprocket. If the saw came with a spur sprocket then you have to replace the whole drum as one. If your drum is still in working condition and locking up the chain when the...
  5. N

    SOLD Husqvarna 350

    Guess the guy is missing in action. Haven't heard anything back from him.
  6. N

    SOLD Husqvarna 350

    Interested in buying. Just waiting to hear back if you will ship to Canada.
  7. N

    SOLD Husqvarna 350

    PM sent