High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by Loggernate

  1. Loggernate

    SOLD Box of Husqvarna 350

    That was a good deal, I wouldn’t have passed it up either
  2. Loggernate

    SOLD Box of Husqvarna 350

    Thought you didn’t want anymore saws? Lol
  3. Loggernate

    Mesh Winter Filters vs ?

    More air flow and more rpm in the cut too and WAY longer run time before it needs cleaned. Only draw back I’ve found is it gets beat up walking through thick brush and probably not great in rain/ snow.
  4. Loggernate

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    Sometimes they take their own sweet time, lol
  5. Loggernate

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    Actually been warmer up there than in the valley until recently. Plenty of snow, I think I need longer legs, lol
  6. Loggernate

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    Saw is a 572😉
  7. Loggernate

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    It was 😁
  8. Loggernate

    Who's running 592s and 585s?

    My son has 661 and to me 592 feels lighter, better balanced. I think specs say 661 is a little lighter? I personally prefer the 592 but they are both good saws.
  9. Loggernate

    Who's running 592s and 585s?

    592 is the best timber falling saw I’ve owned in 30 years Starts good, smooth, doesn’t feel as heavy as it is, easy on fuel, tank seems to last forever, no heat / wood chips blowing in your face or on your hand when holding clutch side of wrap handle, pulls 32” full comp very well.