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Recent content by Joe Kidd

  1. Joe Kidd

    Not so pros 4 new and without politics

    Morning slackers and substanders.
  2. Joe Kidd

    Gun range 2022,2023,2024,2025

    Left hand thumb, light pressure on frame helps me with the Glock trigger. I do it now without even thinking about it. Sadly I don't get to shoot enough to maintain that super trigger discipline. That being said, I've transitioned to all red dots on my Glocks due to aging balls, eyes too...
  3. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New 550xp MK2 PHO

    Withdrawn for now.
  4. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New 550xp MK2 PHO

    I figure about $550
  5. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New 550xp MK2 PHO

    New 550xp mkII pho, Stump Shot muff mod, never used other than cranked a couple of times. Make offer, thanks.
  6. Joe Kidd

    Not so pros 4 new and without politics

    The AMC pacer has that one beat.
  7. Joe Kidd

    Holey Moley Laying Down the Smack 2024-25

    Looks like the little basturd ate himself.
  8. Joe Kidd

    SOLD Winchester USA 9mm Nato Ammo-1000rds

    Ammo and such is hard to predict when I find good deals.
  9. Joe Kidd

    SOLD Winchester USA 9mm Nato Ammo-1000rds

    Really hard to say.
  10. Joe Kidd

    SOLD Winchester USA 9mm Nato Ammo-1000rds

    1000rds in 50ct boxes, $220 shipped free to the lower 48. This is full powered FMJ ammo@1200fps, no wimpy stuff. PP F&F preferred. Thanks
  11. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New Reloading Brass

  12. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New Reloading Brass

  13. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New Reloading Brass

    $45ea shipped, I've got 4 boxes.
  14. Joe Kidd

    SOLD New Reloading Brass

    No Sir, but I've got plenty Hornady 225gr SST's in 338