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Recent content by Grimmy

  1. G

    Splitter Hydraulic Fluid

    Best to research the pump and see what's recommended. I run iso32 in mine, as my cooler and pump were specced to that.
  2. G

    Log splitter hydraulic questions, dump valve and pressure setting

    Most will, but there are some bigger piston cylinders that have a bigger rod. Rod diameter determines how fast it can return.....along with what valves, hoses.....and port sizes.
  3. G

    Log splitter hydraulic questions, dump valve and pressure setting

    On a 22gpm system, you should calculate what the gpm of the oil coming out of the cylinder on the return stroke is. If you valve is rated for that gpm, then adding a dump valve will do nothing for your return speed. You might lose a little heat, but I doubt it would be that much. Only way to...
  4. G

    Box wedge build

    You need sharper edges than that, and the angle of those is way too much. Should be almost straight on. Looks like it bent your beam pretty good too.
  5. G

    PAST IOWA 2019 GTG: April 27th

    This was last year, in the afternoon, as that's when I got there. Just got the air craft and still learning. But you can see some of the shenanigans that happen.
  6. G

    Official generator thread

    I hope you have a meter to verify that the switch is open when you flip it. I don't like those type of switches. I'd rather have the knife kind, where you can see the knifes are out. Switches to fail. I just had a disconnect fail, where pulling the handle felt normal, but when I checked it...
  7. G

    Official generator thread

    You'd have to try the well pump. Pumps and motors draw a lot when they start, and that's when they usually trip. You could easily try this with your setup and see what it does. Worst case, it trips the breaker because there's too much in rush. As for your boiler, I'd say the same thing, try...
  8. G

    Official generator thread

    Will it hurt, the short answer no. Where you could run into issues, if you don't balance the load out enough, and draw more on one side to trip the breaker out. If you can see the breaker on your gen, is it 2 x 15A breakers (which added together is 30A) or is it 2 x 30A breakers? Whatever...
  9. G

    Needing a log splitter guru

    If and when you put that big of a round on, you aren't going to want to run it through your 4 way. I've ran plenty of big rounds thought mine, I always get it down to at least quarters before I start using the 4 way. While I can't say I've had a round get stuck in the 4 way before, if it...
  10. G

    Needing a log splitter guru

    Those wings are way too long!! I wouldn't go over 8" on either side. Also not need to angle them up. The bevel on the front of the wedge is enough. 3/4" think AR steel works great for wedges and 4 ways. Just make sure you weld it properly.
  11. G

    College football ball busting

    ACC > SEC
  12. G

    Official generator thread

    Have a Yamaha EU2000 for my RC stuff that I take to the field to fly my helicopters. Nice and quiet and very portable. I take it in the woods with me some times if I'm splitting in warm weather. Also has a Generac 22kw with automatic transfer switch, running off of LP, for the whole house I...
  13. G

    PAST IA spring gtg fall log gathering

    I wish we could make it but can't. Mom isn't doing well, and Dad's time has been used up taking care of Mom, so Dad hasn't had time to cut and split this year. So I'll probably be doing his pile of wood that weekend, depending on weather, and spending time with family, as my brother from out...
  14. G

    College football ball busting

    That's cause every other conference has betters teams and better competition, that battle it out, and they take themselves out of high rankings. The season is half over. Look earlier and you couldn't say that about the SEC. But you're still in a sigh of relief that Ohio St is out of the...
  15. G

    PAST Iowa GTG 2018

    Got it on my calendar, but it will depend on how my wood pile is doing. I haven't even started yet for this winter, which I'm usually going by now. Might have some family things going on as well. Will know more once it gets closer to that date.