High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by CR888

  1. CR888

    Discussion Starter

    Well the duration of the transfer opening gets extended with an angled port, perhaps also controls the charge entering chamber in a more orderly fashion. Nice job of slicing the cylinder, so this is quite a way into the 066/660 series being an early MS660. I imagine many designs and changes...
  2. CR888

    Learning about bars longer than 36 inch.

    I remember a good few years ago when Baileys had the WoodsmanPro rebranded Cannon bars. Well I know for sure they had double ended milling bars in 050 in 42" & 50". I wish I snagged one in 063, they were like $200 for a 50" DE milling bar....Cannon quality to boot.
  3. CR888

    SCARR sullies the Echo CS355T

    I have this saw in the rear handle version, in Australia its sold as a CS-350wes. Damn nice little saw, built fairly well, runs fairly hard. Its actually pretty much on par with my MS201c with the exception of not having spring av. Scarr does some smart stuff. I bought this for like $130au and...
  4. CR888

    Bar oil alternative

    Canola is fine for worksaws used daily in a professional setting, even for a guy who cuts a lot of firewood. Where you come unstuck with it is on occasional use saw particularly top handles or rear handle versions with weak plastic worm drives. The oil gums up on plastic worm gear, you start saw...
  5. CR888

    Willard's vintage Hotsaw Builds

    Congratulations Willard, just to build a saw like that, deal with Murphy's law with everything that can and does go wrong is a huge win. To compete, make your cuts and get a check is a serious win for a first time in 30 years. Seriously WELL DONE!!!
  6. CR888

    Power sharpening on the saw

    Problem with those Dremel or Stihl type rotary tools is if you use the stones they quickly wear and lose their diameter/profile. Diamond bits solve that issue.
  7. CR888

    Homeowner winch - clear old logs

    Lewis make a chainsaw winch which is well regarded. Capstan makes a similar one that uses rope instead of metal cable.
  8. CR888


    Its amazing what amsoil oil can do to ones imagination.
  9. CR888


    Inner top plate
  10. CR888

    Busted a Tsumura in half...fixed.

    Pretty impressive fixing a solid bar broken completely in half, welding it and getting it straight again. I'd have yanked the nose sprocket & tossed it into the too hard basket.
  11. CR888

    Common Battery Platform?

    There was a 'right to repair' bill put before congress and was removed/quashed by several senators from both parties. Every world environmental agency, leading industry repair shop representatives endorsed it, it was great legislation that would vastly benefit both the consumer and environment...
  12. CR888

    Hand tool set

    Carlyle is a house brand at NAPA (their nicer house tools), has great warranty is you have a NAPA near you. Nice upper tier Taiwan tools. Want nice affordable wrenches...Toptul AAEX 15° offset pro series. These combo wrenches are made in the same factory and are the same design as the MAC pro...
  13. CR888

    Part Six: The Exhaust System

    Tuned pipes are so long and bulky for scientific reason..cans are way small to utilise sonic resonance.
  14. CR888

    Dexter Day, RIP

    RIP Kennis, I enjoy running both those saws you sold me, both minties when I bought them, a 555 & 6400. Thanks for starting the oil thread of oil threads.
  15. CR888

    I'm Coming To A Sad Realization

    I would think a little 'detune' might just keep that saw within your arms a little longer. Loose some compression, maybe look at the timing and slow it a little, nice big D handle and a larger decomp. Those saws with increased compression along with timing and really be aggressive when starting...