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Recent content by computeruser

  1. computeruser

    Current Stihl Backpack Blower Most Like BR420?

    Anyone know which of the current Stihl backpack blowers puts out power around what the BR420 does? I'm looking to get my dad a backpack blower and he likes the power of my old BR420 and definitely doesn't need a ton more power than the 420 has.
  2. computeruser

    SOLD 044 P/C

    #2 is sold.
  3. computeruser

    SOLD 044 P/C

    #1 is SOLD.
  4. computeruser

    SOLD 044 P/C

    I have two 044 P/C that might be of interest: 1. OEM non-decomp slant fin Mahle piston and cylinder for 12mm 044. Unused. Includes piston, rings, cylinder, and pin. Missing OEM box. Bought off a member at the other site for a project I never actually built, because I went the ported route (see...
  5. computeruser

    Anyone port a Makita 6421 cylinder?

    Dave Neiger had ported some 6400s back when the 6400/7300/7900 first came out. They ran very well.
  6. computeruser

    WANTED Flat Top 066

    Still in the market!
  7. computeruser

    DOLMAR/MAKITA The Official Sachs Dolmar Dolmar Makita Dolmar Chainsaws Thread

    Wasn’t there a 4-point set offered for a short while, too? I remember buying one but being unable to ever secure the other (inner, outer, I don’t recall). I’ll have to dig out my spike stash and check one of these days.
  8. computeruser

    WANTED Flat Top 066

    Looking for a clean, turnkey flat top 066. Stock or ported is workable for my purposes. It needs to be straight and good to go. Had a Walkerized metal flywheel one many years ago that I sold off, which I regret having done. Hoping to cure that regret now. Not looking for a 660. Shipping...
  9. computeruser

    WANTED Echo 390esx

    Thanks, I'll give that a look!
  10. computeruser

    WANTED Echo 390esx

    Bump for MLK Day!
  11. computeruser

    Stihl 044 10mm Big bore kit

    There are OEM 10mm P/C kits floating around that you can get your hands on for under $200 if you ask around. Something to consider...
  12. computeruser

    WANTED 064/066 Builder

    PM Sent. Got a mostly complete 066 in a box I would let go, since heavens knows when I’ll get around to doing anything with it.
  13. computeruser

    WANTED 066 p/c, 630/272 spikes, d009 3-rivet Oregon bar

    Still need 066 cylinders. I think I got the other stuff already. :) While I’m at it, I’m also interested in 044/440s, as I have some warmed over top ends that need saws to go on. Substantially complete preferred.
  14. computeruser

    WANTED H272/J625-series inner bar plate

    Need a good one that isn't bent up or chewed up. Shipped to 48823.