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Recent content by Cat 525

  1. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    6" of white on the ground and say be over by noon. Wind not bad yet!
  2. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Well we don't have to worry bout a parade in KC this year! Weather sez maybe a foot of snow here by Wednesday!
  3. Cat 525

    SELLING Stump Shot Special 346xp NE

    Don't you have anymore pics?
  4. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Nice enough the snow is getting gone!
  5. Cat 525

    Stock to Ported

    If a guy is going to carry a saw all day you might as well carry one that gets here done faster! And you can tote a lighter saw the way I look at it.
  6. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Looks good. Lotta flair there!
  7. Cat 525

    Stock to Ported

    All my saws are ported. Can't hardly stand to be around stock saws.
  8. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Heavy rain here for the last hour
  9. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Geez. Plane outta Wichita is down in Potomac River in D.C. Military helicopter flew in front of right before landing!
  10. Cat 525

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    My market is a bit different. Going tom12 different countries. I can sell the roughest log there is for more than veneer market as long as it goes 36" at 135 ft. Crotch and all. Kinda tallies up quick
  11. Cat 525

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    The veneer grade market and sixe of tree makes alot of difference on how much time you spend digging. Like everything else the market dictates. Where I am logging right now there's lots of flint and shelf rock so minimal digging!
  12. Cat 525

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    Good pic Andy.Down here where I'm at in the creek bottoms we will l l dig down on the good walnut to the root fares. At times minimal to none and other times 1 to 2 feet. Hogbacks on the creeks can sometimes have heavy silt deposits over the years. Dug down about 4ft one time with the...
  13. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    They are backing the rain down for later today and night. Maybe a .10 Sure wouldn't mind getting rid of snow tho.
  14. Cat 525

    how about a Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX,+IA GTG thread?

    Morning fellas. Sounds like another storm brewing for last part of week. Maybe rain this go round
  15. Cat 525

    The forestry and logging pictures thread

    When bore cutting on the bigger stuff especially, if you back boring it you can feel it trying to push out against a pinch situation. Hook your dogs the other way and it will suck right into it. Like Andy said , the chain should be sharp enough to pull its way when back boring. Otherwise time...