High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Recent content by bertfixessome

  1. B

    We not start

    Good is not a response to that question XYZpsi is the reply we need The difference between starts and will not start can be as fine as 10 psi which I found out the hard way after spending way too many hours trying to get a concrete saw to run On my tester anything less than 150psi is a waste of...
  2. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    The quoted viscosity would have to be correct or they would fall foul of even the USA's pathetic consumer protection laws However it would be meaningless because the oil is in suspension with the fuel when you use it Molecule size would be much more useful but even harder to understand because...
  3. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    I have seen sensors fitted to rolling mill bearings but usually there is one for each bearing . No idea how they worked because that was not part of my job . Measuring vibrations would there not be interfearance from the chain running on the bar, the other crankshaft bearing ?
  4. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Way way way before metals fail they scream out at you that they have had enough. All you have to do is listen for it . Before you get into plastic deformation you get elastic deformation and that happens because imprefections in the lattice become glissile . AFAIK it is only used in pressure...
  5. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    You could do the same thing with acoustic emissions if you could filter the exhaust frequencies out effectively .
  6. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    I would be interested in where this came from as it does not sound logical to me . Ash less oil is a EPA requirement for 2 stroke marine engines , particularly when used on inland waterways down here . As ash is an oxide and as most oxides are refractory in nature I can not see how they would...
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    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    But what he says is the plain truth. Three levels of pollution 1) embedded = everything that is made till the saw gets to your door 2) usage = what comes out the exhaust and drips off the chain bar 3) disposal = what is generated when the saw is recycled or sent to landfill 1 + 3 is so...
  8. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Thank you for your post. I am yet to see a saw where the cage has collapsed and broken up. Nearly all of the cage failures I have been involved with were caused by excessive lateral forces or insufficient running clearances with deep groove ball bearings and labouring engines with rollers . In...
  9. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Ratios of 25:1 & 32:1 date from the old days of mixing car sump oil into petrol, shaking it till your eyeballs rolled around backwards on every refill because the oil neither dissolved or dispersed into the fuel. Modern 2 stroke oils should be run 50:1 or thinner because the oils are high...
  10. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Pistons seal against the bore because the charge gets behind the ring and pushes it against the bore However Asians of carbon can break away and get stuck between the piston , the piston ring and the bore gouging the surface . \ Build ups like that are either too much oil or labouring the the...
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    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    The bulk of the deceased saws that come into my shop are dead because the customer ran a heavier oil mix than was specified working on the "if a little is good then more must be better principe" well it is not . And the damage from carbon build up is every bit as destructive as running too lean
  12. B

    Any Chinese chainsaw and chinese parts discussion

    Saws bought from a swa shop are uspposed to have gone through proper QC at the factory then e set up properly for the customer by the shop technician. Amazon would not know a chain saw from a bicycle chain. They just buy in bulk for the cheapest supplier and hold some back for warranty claims...
  13. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    But did you retune it to the 40:1 mix or just slosh different fuel into the tank ? Very few engines made since 1990 need 32:1 which along with 25:1 are throw backs to the days of engine oil which simply forms an emulsion so you had to shake the can vigerously every time you refilled and if you...
  14. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Deter Detergents in oil detergents in fuel they are the same They do not clean anything except in TV commercials . It is all marketing hype Carbon build up comes from incomplete burning, be it fuel ( soot on plugs ) or oil ( build up on piston crowns & exhaust ports.). And down here there is...
  15. B

    What oil is best? and what ratio?

    Running rich is almost as bad as running lean Running rich encourages carbon deposits which can break free & destroy a bore in no time flat Add to that fuel is metered in by volume so if your fuel has more oil, per unit volume then it has less fuel so fuel wise it is running a bit on the lean...