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Ace4059's latest activity

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    Could you add a decomp valve delete kit and then silver solder it into place?
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    Ace4059 replied to the thread Stihl Backpack blowers.
    I went with the BR 800 Been using red armor 40:1. Two tanks through it last week and no problems. The next two days are going to be nice...
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    Ace4059 replied to the thread Stihl Backpack blowers.
    I went by the store and tried on both the Echo and the Stihl. I was going with the Echo, (that’s what they recommended) and the counter...
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    I see the Stihl line up of backpack blowers (br600 and above) use a 4 cycle “mix” engine. I was reading it needs a 50:1 of Stihl ultra...