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Recent content by 9050lx

  1. 9

    SELLING Echo CS590

    I bought one of the AM cylinders. Had to chase the threads on the intake. It runs strong. No timing numbers. Got about .040 squish without gasket.
  2. 9

    ECHO Echo, Echo, Echo

    Nice job! Thanks.
  3. 9

    Farmertec 372 Crankshaft Bearings

    Blasting them with water works great. I Lubricate immediately and don't rotate until lubricated.
  4. 9

    ECHO Echo, Echo, Echo

    tried that.I came up with V556-00000. Looked on Ebay, Amazon. Supposed to be dimensions of 11x15x15.8 No luck finding it yet.
  5. 9

    ECHO Echo, Echo, Echo

    Anyone have a part # for a 590 wristpin needle bearing?
  6. 9

    Pro Tip. An annoying problem fixed

    I have a Whirlpool bottom freezer 2011. Defrost circuit does not work, or does so occasionally. I found out that if I manually defrost it about every 2 months it keeps chugging along. I keep track of refrigerator temps with an infrared thermometer and try not to get a bunch of uncontained liquid...
  7. 9

    Dealing with Tractor Supply? Good, Bad, other?

    Tractor Supply right by my house, unfortunately Rural King is 20 miles away.
  8. 9

    ECHO Echo, Echo, Echo

    Anyone here running the Dukes 590/620 cylinder yet?
  9. 9

    The official OPE daycare thread

    Funny, thats what my wife frequently calls me...
  10. 9

    SELLING Echo CS590

    Anybody successfully running this cylinder?
  11. 9

    Universal 2 stroke oil for all ratios, opinions?

    Just found Saber local. Large Napa store. They must have every product sold by Amsoil on there shelves! Dang near takes up a whole aisle. 16 dollars and change for a quart, 63 per gallon. Also Rural King has Cam 2, 2 1/2 gallons bar and chain oil for 17.99.
  12. 9

    Universal 2 stroke oil for all ratios, opinions?

    Just took a top end apart on a 372, after running red armor. It sat for over two years in storage. Nice coating of oil on the crank and cylinder.I Love the oil but not the price. Buying Amsoil local is around 16 bucks a quart.
  13. 9

    Universal 2 stroke oil for all ratios, opinions?

    Can't be worse than Ultra. You can smell that stuff with your eyes.
  14. 9

    Universal 2 stroke oil for all ratios, opinions?

    Smell anything like Sabre?
  15. 9

    Universal 2 stroke oil for all ratios, opinions?

    Ok I give up. I'll try it. How does it smell?