High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws
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  • I did a trade with my friend. One of my 181/288 saws for his pile of huskie parts. I know theres a 394 and some 385 parts in the pile. A couple oem 266 cylinders and lots of other goodies too. After i sort through the pile i'll let you know.
    Hey ride-red 350r dale here, xp-slinger's friend. I just wanted to congradulate you on your first 2xx series build. Waiting on your 385 build. I dont know yet but I may be able to help with some parts.
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    Reactions: RIDE-RED 350r
    RIDE-RED 350r
    RIDE-RED 350r
    Thank you Sir! I still have a couple loose ends to tie up on the 242, but once that is done I'll be looking for that builder 385. Happy new year :)
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