High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws
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  • Funny..Steve(lone wolf) is a good friend of mine. Talk to him often. Been to his house. He really is as good as advertised.
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    Reactions: MattG
    He does seem to be a dude :)
    Big congratulations taking the plunge with 036 oil-line. I knew you'd get it done!!!
    angelo c
    angelo c
    Was easy once I screwed it to the bench top...and a little heat. Not too much....thanks for motivating me.
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    Reactions: MattG
    No problem, you, wolf, and Pantelis helped me out massively when I was learning saw stuff with that 200t a couple years back. The initiation in my introduction to CAD, one might say! :)
    Do it Ange! Do it!
    angelo c
    angelo c
    I will......someday....got a bunch of easy repairs to do first...thrn I got a welder to fix.... !!!!
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    Reactions: MattG
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