Looks like a real stout air chisel was used in the video above if the end cap has notches similar to the one in the second video. I think the tear down is toughest part.. along with keeping it super clean upon re-assembly.
Cheapest thing I've used as a scraper that works awesome, go to your local Home Depot or Lowes etc. and grab a few samples size of the formica/counter top samples in the kitchen cabinet area . They are super hard pressed paper, that stands up (wont soften) to Brake Kleen/ gas/ lacquer thinner...
My cheap advice..
Quite a few building manufactures have changed from using solid wood posts to using laminated beams. Specifically for the straightness of the item. You could easily build your own beams using smaller dimensional lumber and contractor adhesive and modern fasteners (lags or deck...
We used the exact pump posted above (Lnk) at the local Freightliner dealership (years ago) to move used oil from our dump caddies (owner had them made to wheel under trucks for changing oil), to transfer to the bulk oil tanks, it worked great!
Anybody know of a good "donor" full wrap different series, to use to BUILD a 357/359 wrap? I know a guy that can TIG weld super good..LOL
I fear the 357/359 Husky wrap will no longer be produced by Husky...
I'd say rake up the clumps (cut grass) if you can, leave it long if it freezes. Hopefully it dries out enough you can mow, I'd say try mowing even if it's later into the more dormant stage of winter if possible. If not, it will still come thru again next spring. Start mowing early next spring...
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