High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Prayers needed


Pinnacle OPE Member
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12:24 PM
User ID
May 13, 2018
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Central Texas
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my grandmother fell two days ago, she has a brain bleed that does not appear to be slowing down. When the docs originally talked about treatment options she was alert enough to refuse surgery and none of us will go against her wishes by any means. She is at home but completely disoriented and knows no one nor nobody around her.


Mastermind Approved!
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1:24 PM
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Dec 30, 2015
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Brewster, NY
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You may want to give that a second thought … fast. When she was OK, I understand what she did. The question is, if she could see herself like she is, and if they can treat it, would she still make the same decision?

My wife got dehydrated once after an intense bike ride (she forgot to bring her water bottle). When she did try to drink, it kept coming back up. I asked her if she wanted me to call 911. She adamantly told me "NO". I called any way, they rushed over and stuck an IV in her arm, it saved her life. Your organs shut down fast with dehydration.

Call the Doctor and consider your options … fast! Also, prayers to you from NY.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
12:24 PM
User ID
May 13, 2018
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Central Texas
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Thank you everyone for your prayers!
Well news from the doc is a 7 mm thick bleed that has pushed her brain 3 mm inside her skull. She does recognize my uncle and is eating and drinking at this time which tells me there is some fight in her. However she does not recognize my aunt other than her name, or her surroundings.

@MustangMike She was 100% lucid at the time, nurse for 50+ years she is currently 87 yrs young with Parkinson’s. She is legally blind has very limited use of her right hand (Dominant). She had already stated she didn’t ever want to be on life support, which she isn’t at the moment. She knows the quality of life or lack thereof that she would have after a bleed like this, and recovery from surgery. She has been frustrated for a while about the essential tremor that has cause the problems with her right hand. It was a money maker for her when nursing and a relaxation aid doing every bit of needle work you can imagine her entire life. She is on the newest therapies for Parkinson’s thanks To my uncle being financially blessed and knowing people in the pharmaceutical industry, still has not made much dent in the progression just some of the symptoms. Appreciate the advice but none of us are willing to go against her wishes as in the end she would never forgive whoever signed off on the decision to do so. There comes a point when we hold on to someone for our sake instead of their well-being and this is one that would not be for her well being do to her outlook on it.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
1:24 PM
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Feb 3, 2016
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I agree completely with how you guys are handeling this. My family and my wife knows the rules when my time comes. I respect you for respecting her wishes as hard as that may be. Maybe she will be blessed from above with a mirrical and hang around for some more years. Everyone knows when its time to say good by weather your saying it for a car toy pet or loved one. We know whats right but sometimes lie to ourselves to fool us into thinking there is another way. Keep strong and we will keep praying