Here's a 70e and here's a case I was given a
few years back. At one time it was a complete saw.Jonsered was being sold at a hardware store.The kids working there would strip the parts off as needed.Now to put it back together with as many NOS parts as possible.
I was able to get a box of new parts from the same guy that had given me the case.Having a jug and piston set the ball rolling. Also had help from @t4driller and @cus_deluxe and some parts boxes that came from a Stihl dealer.
Looking good so far. What stop switch does it take. I found some new nos switches recently in my pile. I can send you one free of charge if I have it. Also if you need anymore screws or smalls I might have it. I found some more stuff after we talked.
NOS parts
Grommet ,carb screw adjustment
flywheel key
flywheel washer and nut
recoil dog springs
clutch cover
cover nuts
carb gaskets
carb bolts and washers
Used parts
air cleaner elbow
plastic fan
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