High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

Recent content by wcorey

  1. wcorey

    Let's Talk With Bill G Awhile

    I have no problem with Bill G being being here, so far anyway, lol... I'm sure some of the issues here spill over from the AS P&R hatefest and probably other forums, where Bill is/was very opinionated and spoke his mind, often. Whatever... The other thing that comes to mind is that he rarely...
  2. wcorey

    Saw Troll

    IIRC it's a little convoluted. It started over on AS just a bit before this site started, then switched over to here but the majority of it was in a long running multi person PM. Was also right around the time discussions in the community about porting were getting less secretive, freeing up...
  3. wcorey

    Saw Troll

    I've been just sort of sticking my toe in the water in using AI to come up with software for it, I'm clueless there but it seems promising. The demise of that project really took the wind out 'o my sails where saws are concerned, was so close to being... something... Haven't given up though...
  4. wcorey

    Saw Troll

    Ain't gettin younger, that's for sure, starting to feel it after a hard days work. No cause to complain though, when I compare with others I'm around, relatively speaking. Been having a hard time staying interested in the saws I've accumulated to waist deep, this place helps keep me going in...
  5. wcorey

    Saw Troll

    From the saw weight thread... 562 would be 3.5% heavier. Nikko said something like he owned the 361 because it was the Husqvarna of Stihls. Of course that's all flipped around with the newer models now...
  6. wcorey

    SOLD Simington 451c

    Sometimes they do it to to able to call it 'parts' for customs reasons...
  7. wcorey

    372xp with a 268 50mm pop up piston.

    Oh no, popup wars...!
  8. wcorey

    Gun range 2022,2023,2024

    6.5cr is kinda known for primer flowback, used in ar platforms it's recommended to use a 'high pressure bolt', meaning it has a smaller firing pin/hole and sometimes dual extractors. Magnum primers also help.
  9. wcorey

    The Husky 42/42 special/242/246 thread

    Typically open port cylinders are bottom fed and don't need a windowed piston but the 42 is side fed open port so it would seem that it would benefit from the windows.
  10. wcorey

    All Things 288XP

    I believe those flags with the triple cross bars were intended to go with the full wrap.
  11. wcorey

    Anyone familiar with this lathe

    That's a honkin' huge 4 jaw for a lathe that size, lol. Be extra careful of fingers and whatnot down by the ways especially when the jaws are extended out past flush...
  12. wcorey

    Husqvarna 234se piston options

    Picture got cut off, near the bottom shows part # for a 133 piston which should be the same as a 234. The stated spec of 12mm from pin to top seems suspect...
  13. wcorey

    HELP! Anyone use CBN wheels for grinding chain?

    Looked like you were replying to the post just previous to yours with the $300 wheel.
  14. wcorey

    HELP! Anyone use CBN wheels for grinding chain?

    $300, not 300 grit…
  15. wcorey

    Chainsaw grinder questions, tips, tricks, and pics!!!!

    I think you're misunderstanding the term ‘multiple axis’ grind. The wheel profile there is likely only a small part of the picture. Your grinder only goes in to the cutter and back out on one axis/plane, so the radius is dictated by the wheel profile. With use of multiple axis, a production...