High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys

What really grinds my gears!!!


Teh debil
Local time
10:24 PM
User ID
Mar 18, 2021
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There's a few shops that owe the company I work for 5 figures. I was grouching to my manager about how one of them is a pain in the azz and not worth dealing with until they're taken off c.o.d. He responded with "Well, he spends (lotta money) with so-and-so every week, he just hasn't paid off what they owe us because, since he doesn't use us, he doesn't feel like it's worth paying us his past due balance." Bull-frenching-*s-worde, if someone owes 5 figures and doesn't want to pay it off, it's because he's a scummy and dishonest dude. They owe someone money, period. If the one dude doesn't want to use us, great, pay us off and ignore us. But if you owe someone money any honest man would at least try to pay off his debts.
Karma is a be-yatch! The manager who stuck up for that shop retired on the 14th.

On the 17th I drove about an hour in my personal truck, burning fuel I'm paying for, to run to another store to pick up parts for the p.i.t.a. shop because my delivery driver screwed up right before he left for the day. The a/c in the truck decided to quit working right when I left and it was about 100 degrees out, so I got to spend the whole hour baking in the cab. I finally arrived at the guy's shop with the parts and a guy who was leaving work let me in their gated yard and told me how to get to the shop. I get there and the shop's locked up because "that dude" was the owner leaving for the day and he just thought it would be funny to make me go to more effort for nothing.

On Monday my driver went to collect a check at the end of the day and was told to bring the parts back, they didn't use them. On Friday they had indicated they would give us an ROA check for their account on Monday so he asked if they had one. "Oh yeah, lemme get your payment." 15 minutes later the owner returns with a jar of avocado chip dip and tells my guy "Here's your payment." So my driver returns with some dip and no check.

Today I got word that the new manager said no sending them parts period, we can't even collect cash with each invoice if we'd wanted. When they called to order stuff I got to tell them "No parts for you!" in my best Soup Nazi voice before telling them to call accounts receivable or we're taking their azz to court. And I don't have to answer a single call from them ever again and I've left standing orders that if my coworkers get calls from them to not answer either. Petty, but after the chitty treatment I've gotten from them I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire much less sell parts to them.


Chief Cat Herder
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Local time
12:24 AM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Karma is a be-yatch! The manager who stuck up for that shop retired on the 14th.

On the 17th I drove about an hour in my personal truck, burning fuel I'm paying for, to run to another store to pick up parts for the p.i.t.a. shop because my delivery driver screwed up right before he left for the day. The a/c in the truck decided to quit working right when I left and it was about 100 degrees out, so I got to spend the whole hour baking in the cab. I finally arrived at the guy's shop with the parts and a guy who was leaving work let me in their gated yard and told me how to get to the shop. I get there and the shop's locked up because "that dude" was the owner leaving for the day and he just thought it would be funny to make me go to more effort for nothing.

On Monday my driver went to collect a check at the end of the day and was told to bring the parts back, they didn't use them. On Friday they had indicated they would give us an ROA check for their account on Monday so he asked if they had one. "Oh yeah, lemme get your payment." 15 minutes later the owner returns with a jar of avocado chip dip and tells my guy "Here's your payment." So my driver returns with some dip and no check.

Today I got word that the new manager said no sending them parts period, we can't even collect cash with each invoice if we'd wanted. When they called to order stuff I got to tell them "No parts for you!" in my best Soup Nazi voice before telling them to call accounts receivable or we're taking their azz to court. And I don't have to answer a single call from them ever again and I've left standing orders that if my coworkers get calls from them to not answer either. Petty, but after the chitty treatment I've gotten from them I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire much less sell parts to them.


I Am The Snake
Local time
1:24 AM
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Feb 5, 2016
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Here & Now
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Slow drivers in left lane. I did tailgate one pretty hard the other day. Finally brake checked me. I gave them my high beams for a few minutes. Then passed them on the right like the rest of the traffic was doing…. I know I should t have done that. Really shouldn’t have. They still have no clue what they were doing wrong…

Doesn’t make me any more right. But get the fuk over in the slow lane. You’re not turning Or speeding Use right lane.


Chief Cat Herder
Staff member
Local time
12:24 AM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Slow drivers in left lane. I did tailgate one pretty hard the other day. Finally brake checked me. I gave them my high beams for a few minutes. Then passed them on the right like the rest of the traffic was doing…. I know I should t have done that. Really shouldn’t have. They still have no clue what they were doing wrong…

Doesn’t make me any more right. But get the fuk over in the slow lane. You’re not turning Or speeding Use right lane.
If I was a highway patrolman, that would get their asses a ticket for careless and reckless driving. I hate that bs.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
1:24 AM
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Jan 14, 2019
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grinding my gears?
Google suddenly decides to block me from all of my mail accounts.
been offline for long time... finaly get a cheap laptop to use at a relatives house.
Email works for a few days and the internet/phone line goes out here (lightning strike a couple weeks ago)
The strike was before I hooked in, but troubles slowly showed up over last couple of weeks befor I got the laptop.

So, a few days ago.
Phone tech had to go out to main road and fix something (new line?) also changed line from pillar box to house.
I guess it kicked over to a new dns or something, cause after the repair work, net surfing is fine, but now google aint happy no more.

The gear grinder?!?!...being (repeatedly) told that I need to log in from the same computer and location.
Are you freaking *s-wordting me??

well I *f-wording am trying to log in from same computer and location.
I tried a few of their damned captchas and that didn't help.

....No cell phone so that text code *s-word aint gonna happen.
Using a friends ain't viable either cause then they get spammed with crap related to my email.
I made the mistake of using the relatives amazon acct to order something, a while back...
sigh....and I haven't heard the end of the jaw noise over that mistake.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
1:24 AM
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Jan 14, 2019
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So I go to roll the wheelie bin out to the curb.
Yard guy seems to have tossed the new cable aside, but the 8~ish yard flags look like they were used for target practice with the stand-on mower.

If this image is screwed up, bare with me a smidge, as I'm still trying to figure out using Linux (live boot DVD) on this laptop.
Wasn't crazy about running the windows-10 (pre-loaded) on it, so figured why not give Linux a spin finally.

Oh heck, one more gripe while I'm at it.
The laptop was listed, and had photos, as having a DVD-rw (optical) drive.
...nope, came with a danged read-only drive.
So now I gotta get that dealt with.
Kinda sucks when you can't get into your email and the whole world now expects that to be how you correspond with them.


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Local time
3:24 PM
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Sep 18, 2018
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If I was a highway patrolman, that would get their asses a ticket for careless and reckless driving. I hate that bs.
Not to mention a pair of Scissors to cut up their licence and tell them to start walking .


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
12:24 AM
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Jan 20, 2016
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Slow drivers in left lane. I did tailgate one pretty hard the other day. Finally brake checked me. I gave them my high beams for a few minutes. Then passed them on the right like the rest of the traffic was doing…. I know I should t have done that. Really shouldn’t have. They still have no clue what they were doing wrong…

Doesn’t make me any more right. But get the fuk over in the slow lane. You’re not turning Or speeding Use right lane.
Get in front of them and slow down, forcing them to slow down until they get in the right lane...

Nathan lassley

Super OPE Member
Local time
10:24 PM
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Sep 23, 2016
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Clovis, California
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I spent the entire Monday in a pissy mood and couldn't figure out why until I was at home sitting on the couch and decided to open the old briefcase I had some pictures and other stuff in then it hit me the 3rd was the last time I spoke my best friend who I had known for 30 years before he died in a car accident. Finally I found his memorial card just and said ok I'll quit being an a..hole.


Teh debil
Local time
10:24 PM
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Mar 18, 2021
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After weeks of running around like f*cking chickens with our f*cking heads cut off 20 m-fing f*ckers and 10 poor f*cking bastards with little f*cking "beep beep" guns spending all day scanning f*cking parts for our inventory, moving all kinda parts outta f*cking order, taking up all the f*cking parking spaces, getting in everybody's f*cking way just so maybe our inventory will be less f*cked up than before they came through. And to top it off, the airpods that were supposed to keep me from hearing all the f*cking beeping went mia from my pants pocket overnight.

Yukon Stihl

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
10:24 PM
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Jan 11, 2016
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Great White North
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Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
7:24 AM
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Apr 28, 2016
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Doctors waiting hall/room and people not turning on silent mode on their phones, taking calls not leaving the room!

People watching videos with sound in the doctors waiting room!

People grouping up and having loud conversations in the doctors waiting room!

Yes, I am in a doctors waiting room/hall right now.